Ein Kreis in dem Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU steht

Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU

Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU! - Der Podcast der Hamburg Open Online University für all die, die mehr über Teilhabe und Openness in Lernen und Wissenschaft erfahren möchten. Moderiert von Christian Friedrich und Nicola Wessinghage für das Team der HAW Hamburg.

Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU! Catherine Cronin: Open Activism & Praxis in Education

Ein HOOU Podcast der HAW Hamburg.

Das erwartet dich:

Christian Friedrich in conversation with Catherine Cronin, open educator, open researcher, and Strategic Education Developer at the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Ireland. Feedback and comments are very welcome on twitter @HOOU_HAW or via email to team_hoou@haw-hamburg.de.

Dr. Catherine Cronin is Strategic Education Developer at Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education where her collaborative work across the sector supports digital and open education, e.g. development of digital capabilities, use of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP), and development of enabling policies for digital and open teaching and learning. Catherine’s 2018 PhD explored the use of OEP in higher education. She is an active member of the GO-GN and FemEdTech networks and several advisory boards, co-developer of the Equity Unbound open curriculum, and co-chair of the OER19 Conference ‘Recentering Open: Critical and Global Perspectives’. A born New Yorker who has made her home in Ireland, you can find Catherine on Twitter @catherinecronin, at catherinecronin.net or via email at catherine.cronin@teachingandlearning.ie.

Catherine Cronin’s website and blog: catherinecronin.net/
Catherine Cronin on the team page at the National Forum: www.teachingandlearning.ie/people_item…ine-cronin/
Profile on Mel Sharpe’s student blog: malat-webspace.royalroads.ca/rru0069/dr…pen-voice/
Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast, Episode 152 (May 2017) teachinginhighered.com/podcast/open-…isks-rewards/
Cronin, C., & Roger, A. (1999). Theorizing progress: Women in science, engineering, and technology in higher education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(6), 637-61. hdl.handle.net/10379/3807
#OER16: A Critical Turn – Catherine Cronin. catherinecronin.net/conferences/thoughts-on-oer16/
Be Bold. Embolden Others. – Catherine Cronin. catherinecronin.net/conferences/be-…embolden-others
Slides from Catherine’s talk at ICT in Education www.slideshare.net/cicronin/equipp…to-be-unsettled
Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning www.teachingandlearning.ie/
Bonnie Stewart on Twitter twitter.com/bonstewart
Website of the #OER20 conference in London oer20.oerconf.org/
#FemEdTech on Twitter twitter.com/search?q=%23FemEdTe…=typed_query&f=live
The Femedtech Quilt of Care and Justice in Open Education quilt.femedtech.net/

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