Kulturmanagement innovativ KONTAKT Cover

Kulturmanagement innovativ KONTAKT

Rund um die Frage “Wie kommt das Neue in die Kulturinstitution?” führen die Studierenden Joyce Diedrich und Eva Hüster anregende Gespräche mit Dozent:innen und dem Institut KMM nahestehenden Kulturschaffenden. Der Begriff der Innovation wird ins Verhältnis gesetzt zu konkreten Themen im Kulturbereich, die Expert:innen geben den Gesprächspartnerinnen Ideen und Anregungen mit auf den Weg, die über den Podcast nun allen Interessierten zugänglich sind.

Kulturmanagement innovativ KONTAKT: Helen Marriage

Das erwartet dich:

We are very excited to publish the newest episode of the podcast, our first episode in English, which is a conversation we had with Helen Marriage. She is the director of the art production company ARTICHOKE, which develops art projects that bring art & culture „to the streets“. We hope you get as inspired as we did while listening to her!

Short biography 

Helen Marriage is Director of Artichoke, the arts production company she co-founded with Nicky Webb in 2005. Her previous work includes a seven-year period as Director of the Salisbury Festival, described by The Times as ‘miracle of modern British culture’. She created the first Arts & Events programme for Olympia & York, the developers of Canary Wharf in London, and was an Associate Director of the London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT).  She began her working life at Artsadmin where she managed a variety of independent artists in the early 1980s.

In 2012, she was awarded a Loeb Fellowship at Harvard Graduate School of Design, a prestigious fellowship awarded to individuals working in the area of urban design and planning. Her appointment was an acknowledgement of the impact Artichoke has made on the way mass public art events are negotiated and staged.  She was awarded an MBE for services to the arts in the New Year’s Honours list in 2016.


For more information on Helen Marriage's arts production company “Artichoke”, see their website

See this video to get an impression on the work, that is being realized by Helen Marriage and her team - in this case 'The Sultan's Elephant' by Royal de Luxe, produced in London in 2006 by Artichoke.

This (germanspeaking) Video shows a resumée (by the Berliner Festspiele who brought Royal Deluxe to Berlin) of the work for the 20-year-jubilee of the Berliner Mauerfall in Berlin, and once again impressively demonstrates the power of the puppets.

At the Poptech Conference, Helen Marriage talks about “Art interventions”. - See the Video here.

(Check out also Videos of other speakers of this “global network committed to the vanguard of emerging technology, science, exploration, and creative expression” on YouTube.)

See the ted talk by Helen Mariage about “Art that turns cities into playgrounds of the imagination” here.

Eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Kultur- und Medienmanagement (KMM)der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg (HfMT) und dem Multimediakontor Hamburg (MMKH).

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