25.11.2024 | jakob.kopczynski@haw-hamburg.de

On the benefits of using Design Thinking

Christian Friedrich

Welcome to this EduBox Podcast! In this episode Christian Friedrich will be talking to Erik Schumb, an expert agile coach with years of experience in Design Thinking, about the benefits of using Design Thinking.

Links and credits

Erik Schumb, agile sprints

Erik Schumb, LinkedIn

Hasso Plattner Institut


Lean Six Sigma

Personal Pronouns „Du/Sie“ in German


Community of Practice

EduBox: Design Thinking

The Eduboxes podcast is part of a project by the Hamburg Open Online University. This three-part podcast mini-series is coming to an end with this episode. If you’re interested in finding out more about the topics we discussed, please be invited to the Eduboxes online course. There’s a link in the shownotes that will take you there.

Hosting and podcast production: Christian Friedrich