30.04.2021 | Katrin Schröder
Webinar series: The role of hydrogen in future energy systems

Having already explored the four phases of the hydrogen value chain, it is now time to move on and elaborate on the role of hydrogen within the future Tunesian and Germany energy system.
What’s next in the webinar series?
Both Tunesia and Germany are developing green hydrogen strategies to exploit the potentials of green hydrogen for the respective energy systems. Moreover, joint efforts in form of a Tunesian-German energy partnership will be addressed.
The Tunesian green hydrogen strategy
Belhassen Chiboub, Director General for Electricity and Renewable Energies; Tunisian Ministry for Industry, Energy and Mines, Tunis, Tunisia
The German national hydrogen strategy and the international cooperation
Dr. Ellen von Zitzewitz, BMWi, Berlin, Germany
Hydrogen for Europe – Goals and support measures from the European Commission
Marco Berti Palazzi; European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, International Relations and Enlargement, Brussels, Belgium
The role of hydrogen within the future German energy system
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martin Wietschel; Fraunhofer-Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe, Germany
The potential of green hydrogen within the Tunesian energy system
Fethi Hanchi; Tunisian National Agency for Power Conservation – ANME, Tunis, Tunisia
Strategy to improve the penetration of green electricity into the Tunisian energy system
Dhoha Garreb; Directorate of Research and Innovation, Tunisian National Electricity and Gas Corporation – STEG, Tunis, Tunisia
Green Hydrogen Alliance between Tunesia and Germany
Judith Kammerer, Senior Policy Officer for North Africa, Mediterranean Policy, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Financial cooperation in the framework of Tunisian-German Hydrogen Alliance
Karim ould Chih; Principal Project Manager in the Department of North Africa KfW Development Bank, Germany
Power-to-X Tunisia – The German Technical Cooperation on Green Hydrogen
Tanja Faller; Director of Energy and Climate Cluster at GIZ, Tunisia
-> YouTube Livestream: https://youtu.be/-NQ8nczZL7A
Smart power grid, a key factor to boost the integration of green hydrogen in Tunisia
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmed Fakhfakh; Digital Research Center, Sfax, Tunisia
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Faouzi Derbel; Smart Diagnostic and Online Monitoring, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany
-> YouTube Livestream: https://youtu.be/_XGfNd8Xyr0
Potentials of the Tunisian Higher Education and Scientific Research System
Prof. Dr. Ing. Chiheb Bouden; former Tunisian Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research
Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy – Towards a Defossilised Society
Dr. Stefan Kaufmann; Innovation Commissioner for Green Hydrogen; Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany
Closing adress
HE Hanène Tajouri-Bessasi; Tunisian Ambassador in Berlin
HE Peter Prügel; German Ambassador in Tunis
-> YouTube Livestream: https://youtu.be/DeZGjS9ZOew
How to join the webinar
Via: YouTube Livestream – link will be shared after registration mail
Time: Wednesday 19:00 – 20:00 CET
To receive the dial-in data for the Zoom-Webinar send a mail with the subject line „Registration“ to: greenhydrogen(at)tuhh.de
The Webinar Series is part of a wider initiative to set up a joint Tunisian-German competence center and establish a new value chain based on renewable energies and green hydrogen. The organizers are the IUE, the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU), the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), the Council for Engineering Sciences (CSI/OI), the Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT) and the German Engineers Association (VDI).