Wissenschaft kurz erklärt
In den kurzen Podcast-Episoden der HOOU werden wissenschaftliche Themen, komplexe Fachinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse leicht verständlich aufbereitet. Die Episoden bieten einen Einstieg in die jeweils umfangreicheren Lernangebote, die auf hoou.de zu finden sind.
Digital Bioresource Managment
Organic residues are bioresources and managing them well provides many challenges. In this podcast, Phillipp Lüssenhop introduced the bioresource information tool (BRIT) and talks about how it can contribute to exploiting untapped potentials.
Das erwartet dich:
Organic residues are bioresources and managing them well provides many challenges. In this podcast, Phillipp Lüssenhop introduced the bioresource information tool (BRIT) and talks about how it can contribute to exploiting untapped potentials.
Axel Dürkop inverviewt Phillipp Lüssenhop
Research Group:
Bioresource Management
Weiterführende Links:
- Bioresource Information Tool (BRIT): https://brit.bioresource-tools.net
- BRIT-Quests: https://learn.hoou.de/course/view.php?id=695
- CLOSECYCLE Projekt: https://www.closecycle.eu
Phillipp Lüssenhop
Axel Dürkop
Eine weitere Episode wartet auf dich
Ethics by Design – Podcast
In this exciting, bite-sized podcast, the core concepts of Ethics by Design are broken down in a way that's easy to understand and thought-provoking. AI-generated with Notebook LM and carefully edited, it's the perfect listen to understand the future of ethical tech in just a few minutes!